As leading Los Angeles domestic violence attorneys with over 19 years of experience we are often asked if domestic violence cases can be dismissed and what’s ultimately going to happen once someone is charged with domestic violence; or worse, convicted.
What makes domestic violence cases unique is that, according to California’s domestic abuse laws, once an incident occurs and comes to the State’s attention – such as a police officer showing up either from a call that was made from within a family or by a neighbor – the only person able to drop the charges is the prosecutor.
Reasons why a prosecutor may decide to drop the charges and get the case dismissed range from contradicting statements to insufficient evidence, no visible injuries or independent witnesses, and other factors.
The goal for criminal defense attorneys that specialize in domestic violence cases is to closely analyze the unique circumstances, including the police report and all other evidence, then present the best possible defense with the goal of getting the case dismissed. Especially when there are kids involved, many times sending one of their parents to prison isn’t the best solution and can have a lifelong impact, which we try our best to avoid.
If you are facing domestic violence charges in Los Angeles and need a top criminal attorney to aggressively defend you we’re only a call away: (310) 980-8856