The City of Chicago’s 28-year ban on handguns has been struck down by the Supreme Court, which has caused widespread opposition throughout the city. Following New York City and Los Angeles, Chicago experiences the third highest crime rate in the United States, and the question is whether a handgun ban, or removal of such, will be beneficial to residents.
As the ban was removed, shares in two major U.S. firearms companies were up today (June 28, 2010). According to William Spain of Dow Jones: “The 5-4 ruling follows by about two years a similar ruling throwing out a handgun ban in the District of Columbia. Shares of Smith & Wesson Holdings (SWHC) rose 5.4% to $4.32 while Sturm, Ruger & Co. (RGR) rose 2.7% to $15.46.” The ultimate question is whether unraveling of the ban will lead to an increase or decrease in crime within Chicago. We shall see.