Being charged in any criminal case is stressful and if you’re facing domestic violence charges in the Los Angeles courts it’s important to hire not only a criminal defense attorney but one who’s experienced in fighting domestic violence charges. Here are 5 tips: Hire an attorney that specializes in domestic [...]
False Domestic Violence Charges in Los Angeles: What’s the Solution?
There are few things as damaging as being falsely accused of domestic or spousal abuse. A falsely accused person’s reputation is inevitably damaged and he may be viewed as a monster by friends, co-workers and even some members of his family. He may suffer financially in terms of legal fees, [...]
Lindsay Lohan DUI – Understanding The Criminal Process
Lindsay Lohan was recently sentenced to 90 days of county jail and 90 days of rehab for violating the terms of her probation related to her plea bargained conviction on two counts of DUI in 2007 (at that time, she also plead “no contest” to one count of reckless driving [...]
Criminal Defense Article on Being Arrested – Things to Know
Throughout our lives there are some things that will be traumatic and quite possibly done on accident, which we have no control over. In particular, being arrested can be a big headache and, aside from avoiding the issue in the first place (if at all possible), there are a few [...]
California's Three Strikes Law: What the Law Really States
In 1994, California enacted its “Three Strikes” law. This law significantly changed the sentencing structure in convictions for defendants who had previously been convicted of certain felonies. What is a strike? A “strike” is essentially a conviction for a felony that is considered “serious” or “violent” under California statutes. Examples [...]
What Are Miranda Rights? – An Important Thing to Know
What are Miranda Rights? This article discusses some important aspects of a person’s Miranda Rights, — what Miranda Rights are, when Miranda Rights apply, when Miranda Rights do not apply, and the limits on how police and prosecutors can use a person’s statement made in violation of their Miranda Rights. [...]
The Right to a "Speedy Trial" – Criminal Law Information
A defendant’s right to a speedy trial is guaranteed by the United States and California Constitutions. A “speedy” trial means that a person has the right to go to trial within a reasonable time after being arrested and charged with a crime. What is a “reasonable time”? In California, “reasonable [...]
Plea Agreements, Plea Bargains & Open Pleas – California Criminal Law
Criminal charges are often resolved without going to trial by negotiating a deal with the prosecutor or the judge. If the deal is negotiated with the prosecutor, it is called a Plea Agreement or Plea Bargaining. If a case is resolved with the judge, it is called an Open Plea. [...]
Pleading "No Contest" In a Criminal Case – The Legal Process
When someone is charged with a crime they can enter a plea of guilty, not guilty or no contest. Often, a guilty or no contest plea is entered as a result of a plea agreement – a deal reached with the prosecutor where the defendant gives up their right to [...]
Battery on a Police Officer in California: Not a Good Idea
On Wednesday, August 11, 2010, police officers were searching for suspects involved in an officer shooting in South Los Angeles. Officers were responding to a call when someone fired at them. While none of the officers was seriously injured, if criminal charges are filed, the criminal complaint will almost certainly [...]